Ëîãîòèï ñàéòà
Saytdan to'liqroq izlash
Bosh menyu
Eng ko'p ko'rilganlar
Development of scientific and practical recommendations on improvement of nosogeographic situation by assessing the impact of nosogeographic situation on the territorial structure of diseases and pathological processes of population in Samarkand and Navoi regions.

Ko'chirish: Maqola Study of nozogeoraphic situation and its study on the basis of sociological survey.pdf 772.01 Kb
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2021-03-25 11:44:03
Ko'rildi: 348    Ko'chirildi: 0

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Izoh qoldirish
Bu ma'lumot faqat sayt foydalanuvchilari uchun ruxsat berilgan!!!

Sayt foydalanuvchisi bo'lish uchun ro'yxatdan o'ting, ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun shu erni bosing!!!
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Dizayner Abduqayumov Anvar © 2014
