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Eng ko'p ko'rilganlar
Actuality of the research is directly connected to the famous words of different scientists, researchers, historians and philosophers about the necessity to study history in order to fully understand the present situation of any phenomena. It was observed by that remarkable twelfth-century chronicler Henry of Huntington that an interest in the past was one of the distinguishing characteristics of humans as compared with the other living beings on the Earth. The medium by which speakers of a language communicate their thoughts and feelings to others, the tool with which they conduct their business or the government of millions of people, the vehicle by which has been transmitted the science, the philosophy, the poetry of the culture is surely worthy of study.

Ko'chirish: 01. Thesis.pdf 647.48 Kb
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2021-03-27 10:36:30
Ko'rildi: 349    Ko'chirildi: 0

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Dizayner Abduqayumov Anvar © 2014
