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Saytdan to'liqroq izlash
Bosh menyu
Eng ko'p ko'rilganlar
Considering the fact that the basis of Uzbek economy is a market economy, providing prevalence for private property ownership, creating stable legal framework is known as one of the crucial matters. Therefore, this article will discuss several approaches to resolve some key issues as in the following; development of small business and private entrepreneurship, formation of middle class property owners, sustainable development of the country`s economy and through the creation of new jobs and increase the income of the population. In addition, the article emphasis special attention on small business, small business opportunities, and the banking system analysis of the funds allocated

Ko'chirish: Makhmudova G.R..doc 85.50 Kb
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2017-02-06 12:06:26
Ko'rildi: 1209    Ko'chirildi: 0

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Dizayner Abduqayumov Anvar © 2014
