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Urazbaev Hikmatullo. Maqolada global iqtisodiy inqiroz va ushbu inqirozda inson omili, insoniyat tarixida global inqirozlarning tutgan o’rni, global inqiroz keltirib chiqaruvchi turli muammolar kabi masalalar yoritiladi.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 7000    Ko'chirildi: 101

Автор рассматривает вопросы изучения литературы с 6 по 11 классы с точки зрения нравственного воспитания. Приходит к выводу, что в основе духовно-нравственного воспитания школьников на уроках литературы лежит единая образовательная система, строящаяся на широкой культурологической базе, предусматривающая отбор материала, доступного детям, имеющая четкую структуру, отвечающая современным дидактическим требованиям.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 9168    Ko'chirildi: 297

Maqolada ism ma’naviyatning bir qismi ekanligi, go’zal ism kishining ruhiyatiga ta’sir etishi misollar asosida yoritib berilgan.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 6968    Ko'chirildi: 301

Mazkur maqolada tarixiy badiiy asarlarning yosh avlod tarbiyasidagi ahamiyati, milliy mustaqilligimizning mustahkamlanishida bugungi o’quvchi ongini shakllantirish, dunyoqarashini kengaytirishdagi o’rni haqida gap boradi.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 7237    Ko'chirildi: 199

Kurs ishida o’zbek adabiy tilining uzoq davom etgan tadrijiy taraqqiyoti hamda o’zbek adabiy tilining tarixiy davrlari ko’rsatib berilgan.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 7170    Ko'chirildi: 99

Ishda sintaksis tarkibi o’zining chuqur nazariy tarkibi bilan tilshunoslikning muhim bo’limi ekanligi isbotlangan
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 7916    Ko'chirildi: 198

Kurs ishida fonema, morfema, leksema va qolip lisoniy birliklar bo’lib, tovush, qo’shimcha, so’z, so’z birikmasi va gaplar nutqiy birliklar sanalishi tahlil qilingan.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 12244    Ko'chirildi: 466

Functionally and semantically inseparable units are usually called phraseological units. Phraseolgical units cannot be freely made up in speech but are reproduced as ready made units The lexical components in phraseolgical units are stable and they are none motivated .i. e Its meaning cannot be deduced from the meaning of its components and they don’t allow they lexical components to be changed or substituted . Of course, this matters make learners make mistakes and at the same time it show actuality of the theme.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 7220    Ko'chirildi: 404

We will term "phrase" every combination of two or more words, which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word. The constituent elements of a phrase may belong to any part of speech. For instance, they may both be nouns, or one of them may be an adjective and the other a noun, or again one of them may be a verb and the other a noun, or one may he a preposition and the other a noun; or there may be three of them, one being a preposition, the other a noun, and the third a preposition, etc.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 7325    Ko'chirildi: 402

Dickens said. "I am an affectionate father to every child of my fancy." He was not only an affectionate father, he was an over-indulgent father. The children of his fancy are spoilt children. They shake the house like heavy and shouting schoolboys; they smash the story to pieces like so much furniture.
Saytga joylashtirildi: 2013-03-05 12:00:24
Ko'rildi: 7373    Ko'chirildi: 101

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